Welcome to The Directory of Residential Camps & Activities of New Zealand 2024/2025
The Directory of residential camps New Zealand
... your regional accommodation and activity guide

Everything you need to organise your group’s accommodation and activities...

The Directory of Residential Camps and Activities is the first-stop reference for groups seeking accommodation. Groups vary from church groups, government departments, schools, other education groups, weddings, and formal and informal groups to groups seeking a gathering place for a reunion – families, organisations, schools and other educational institutions will find the directory invaluable. Businesses and other groups seeking retreats for development will also find suitable sites.

Many of the sites also have accommodations for individuals and small groups. Most provide catering suitable for the group, and some have facilities for self-catering. Many also offer activities, and some have agreements with providers to do this.

The directory is also published at www.camps-directory.co.nz. We will continue to market both the directory and the website to ensure advertisers get the best value deal. We welcome people informing us of sites and providers that would benefit from featuring in the directory. We also welcome feedback on the directory and website.
Ian Meredith, Publisher

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What customers say about their listing in the
Directory of Residential Camps of New Zealand:

"We have definitely seen the benefits of your website and directory.
Our last twelve months have been very busy and some of the new enquires have come via your website." Sue Mansell - Karanga Camp


The Directory of Residential Camps of New Zealand

BIGFOOT Outdoor Specialist